
  • 04/27/2021
  • 05/12/2021

[寿司・SUSHI#3] 「筋子・SUJIKO」 salmon roe T-shirt

筋子・SUJIKO is a food made from salted salmon eggs. It is called イクラ・IKURA(salmon roe) when it is broken into pieces one by one. It is one of the ingredients for SUSHI. I designed this necklace based on the image of an IKURA necklace(which can sometimes be used as a side dish if you have white rice!). May your everyday life be filled with gratitude and love, if you buy this T-shirt! I hope you will take good care of the T-shirt and wear it a lot.

  • 04/27/2021
  • 05/12/2021

“骨折・KOSSETSU” Fracture T-shirt

骨折・KOSSETSU means 折る(breaking) a 骨(bone). The word 骨を折る・HONE wo oru is not just the meaning of fracture, but the interesting thing about Japanese is that it means struggling, trying hard, making an effort, and working hard.

  • 04/27/2021
  • 05/12/2021

[食べ物・Traditional Foods#1] “納豆・NATTO” Fermented Soybeans, “お醤油・Oshoyu” Soysauce and “ご飯・GOHAN” Rice T-shirt

【食べ物・Japanese Traditional Foods#1】納豆・NATTO is a traditional Japanese fermented food. お醤油(Soy sauce) is a seasoning that has been around for a long time in Japan, and is made by fermenting grains such as 大豆(soybeans). Both 納豆 and お醤油 are fermented soybeans. The taste is completely different, but when paired, they go great together! When you come to Japan, please try delicious 納豆ご飯(NATTO rice) with a little お醤油.

  • 04/27/2021
  • 05/15/2021

[寿司・SUSHI#2] “帆立・HOTATE” scallop voyage T-shirt

帆立(HOTATE・ほたて) It is one of the ingredients for SUSHI. The official name is 帆立貝・HOTATEGAI(scallop), but it is often called "帆立・HOTATE" in general. Anchors aweigh! Raise(立・TATE) the sails(帆・HO)! When you read the story of an adventure around the sea, have you ever seen a sentence like this? 帆 is essential to move the ship forward in the wind. I designed it with the image of a person's new departure and hope, in which such a 帆 is unfurled by one's own hands and sail out on the great ocean.