
[食べ物・Traditional Foods#1] “納豆・NATTO” Fermented Soybeans, “お醤油・Oshoyu” Soysauce and “ご飯・GOHAN” Rice T-shirt

【食べ物・Japanese Traditional Foods#1】

“納豆(NATTO・なっとう)” “お醤油(OSHOYU・おしょうゆ)” “ご飯(GOHAN・ごはん)”

“納豆・NATTO” is a traditional Japanese fermented food. “納” means paying, delivering, etc. It is also a term that refers to a moisturized shape. “豆” are soybeans. It is said that the word “納豆” was born from “納める(dedicate)” “豆” to the gods and the imperial court.

There are various theories about its origin, but it is said that ”納豆” was born by encountering and fermenting “納豆菌(NATTO bacilli)” attached to straw when transporting or storing “boiled 豆”.

“お醤油(Soy sauce)” is a seasoning that has been around for a long time in Japan, and is made by fermenting grains such as “大豆(soybeans)”. Since it is used in various dishes in Japan, people who travel abroad often say that when they return to Japan, they “smell お醤油,” and I have actually felt that way.

Both “納豆” and “お醤油” are fermented soybeans. The taste is completely different, but when paired, they go great together! When you come to Japan, please try delicious “納豆ご飯(NATTO rice)” with a little “お醤油”.




「納豆(ナットウ)」なっとう 「お醤油(オショウユ)」おしょうゆ 「ご飯(ゴハン)ごはん」

「納豆」は日本の伝統的な発酵食品です。 「納」は「納める」という意味のほかに、うるおった形状を指す言葉でもあります。「豆」は大豆のことです。神様や朝廷に「豆」を「納める」ことから「納豆」という言葉が生まれたと言われています。



「納豆」も「お醤油」も大豆を発酵させたものなのに、味は全く違うのですが、合わせた時の相性は抜群です! 日本にお越しの際には、「お醤油」をちょっと垂らした美味しい「納豆ご飯」を食べてみてください。


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