【寿司・SUSHI #2】
It is one of the ingredients for SUSHI. The official name is “帆立貝・HOTATEGAI(scallop)”, but it is often called “帆立・HOTATE” in general. “Large marine bivalve. The shell is open fan-shaped radial bumps on the surface. The abductor muscle of shellfish is thick and delicious. “
“Anchors aweigh! Raise(立・TATE) the “sails(帆・HO)!”” When you read the story of an adventure around the sea, have you ever seen a sentence like this? “帆” is essential to move the ship forward in the wind. I designed it with the image of a person’s new departure and hope, in which such a “帆” is unfurled by one’s own hands and sail out on the great ocean.
Speaking of “帆立” … There are times when shells are lined up in front of a SUSHI restaurant in the neighborhood. Every time I pass, I almost always see shells of “帆立”. I think it’s eaten that much. The person who seems to be the restaurant owner wrote by hand, “Please take shells freely”, but I still don’t have the courage to take it home, lol. I would like to make Madeleine with shells of “帆立”. I’m thinking, “Get courage and take it home near future.”
I hope this T-shirt will be worn at the beach. How about wearing a T-shirt and talking to someone? Unexpected encounters may or may not be attracted … just rumors! Is. I hope the people who purchase this T-shirt will continue to have a fresh breeze every day, just like the moment when you raise(立) the “帆” and go on a voyage.
I hope the people who purchase this T-shirt will continue to have a fresh breeze every day, just like the moment when you raise(立) the “帆” and go on a voyage.
Design and Writing:千尋(Chihiro)
「帆立(ホタテ)」 ほたて
寿司ネタのひとつ。正式名称は「帆立貝」だが、一般的には「帆立」と呼ばれることが多い。 『大形の海産二枚貝。貝殻は開いた扇形で、表面に放射状のでこぼこがある。貝柱は太くて美味。』〜”Oxford Languages”より
「碇(イカリ)を上げろー!帆(ホ)を張れー!」海を巡る冒険の物語を読む時に、こんな台詞を目にすることはありませんか? 「帆」は風を受けて、船を前に進ませるのに欠かせないもの。そんな「帆」を自分の手で立てて大海原にこぎ出す、ひとりの人の新たな出発と希望をイメージしてデザインしました。
このTシャツは海辺で着てもらえたらいいなと思っています。 Tシャツを着て、誰かに話しかけてみるのはいかがでしょう。思いもよらない出会いが引き寄せられるとかられないとか・・・あくまで噂!です。
Design and Writing : 千尋