[寿司・SUSHI#4-1] “鮪・MAGURO” ~大腹~ tuna fish big belly T-shirt

【寿司・SUSHI #4-1】


It is one of the ingredients for SUSHI. A pelagic migratory fish in the mackerel family. Similar in shape to “鰹・KATSUO(skipjack tuna)”, but larger and one to three meters long. The back is blackish gray and the belly is white. It is also called “黒鮪・KUROMAGURO(bluefin tuna)” or “本鮪・HONMAGURO(Japanese tuna)”, and is eaten as SASHIMI(raw sliced fish, shellfish or crustaceans). The juvenile fish is called “MEJI(目近鮪)”.

The dark eyes, one of the characteristics of the tuna, are sure to make the wearer, as well as passersby on the street, startle?! It is said that the word “鮪・MAGURO” was derived from the word “眼黒・meguro” meaning “black(黒) eye(眼)”, which in turn became ”MAGURO”.

The illustration of a child who has just started to grow baby teeth, opening his mouth, expresses his familiarity with “鮪・MAGURO(tuna)” as a food that has been around since he was a child.

“大腹・OHARA” is a word I coined to mean a big belly. A generous person is said to have a “太っ腹・FUTOPPARA(big belly)” in japan. A person with a big belly is a glutton and always in a good mood.

The design size of the “大腹” version was made in the image of the “腹踊り・HARAODORI(japanese belly dance with a face drawn on the belly at festivals and banquets)”. May the person who wears this T-shirt become more and more in a good mood.

Japanese Kanji Sushi Topping Series No.4-1 Maguro Tuna Fish Big Belly T-Shirt

The dark eyes, one of the characteristics of the tuna, are sure to make the wearer, as well as passersby on the street, startle?! It is said that the word “鮪・MAGURO” was derived from the word “眼黒・meguro” meaning “black(黒) eye(眼)”, which in turn became ”MAGURO”.
The illustration of a child who has just started to grow baby teeth, opening his mouth, expresses his familiarity with “鮪・MAGURO(tuna)” as a food that has been around since he was a child.

Design and Writing:千尋(Chihiro)



寿司ネタのひとつ。『さば科の遠洋性回遊魚。形はカツオに似るが大きく、体長一〜三メートル。背は黒灰色、腹は白色。クロマグロまたはホンマグロとも言い、さしみ用。幼魚を「めじ」と言う。』〜”Oxford Languages”より


鮪は「眼が黒い」から「めぐろ」そこから「まぐろ」になったとも言われています。 乳歯が生え始めたばかりの子供が口をパクッとあけているイラストには、小さな頃から身近にあった食べ物としての鮪への親しみを込めました。



Design and Writing : 千尋

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